The decoration of the hall.The children are in fancy—dress costumes.Only English is spoken at the party.
There is an announcement near the hall about the party.
THE MAIN WITCH presents the party.
JACK O’LANTERN tells us about himself.
THE MAIN WITCH tells us about the first performance:it is a song “Looby-Loo”.
Looby – Loo
Here we dance Looby Loo,
Here we dance Looby-hight,
Here we dance Looby-Loo
All on Saturday night.
1.I put my right hand in,
I put my right hand out,
I give my right hand
A shake,shake,shake
And turn myself about.
2.I put myself hand in,
I put myself hand out,
I give my left hand
A shake,shake,shake
And turn myself about.
3.I put my right boot in
I put my right boot out
I give my right boot
A shake,shake,shake
And turn myself about.
4.I put my left boot in
I put my left foot in ,
I put mmy left foot out,
I give my whole self
A shake,shake,shake
And turn myself about.
After the song the children go to the MAIN WITCH AND perform their customes. All apllaud . KOSHEY BESSMERTNY comes up to the MAIN WITCH and tells us about himself.(a girl, dressed in kimono comes up to the MAIN WITCH). Girl says us that she came from Japan and tels us that she is very happy to be at the party.
THE MAIN WITCH: Now will be the poem”October” which is about our party( by John Updike).
Two witches comes up to THE MAIN WITCH.
THE MAIN WITCH: I’m happy to introduce the witches of the Land of Oz to you. The pupils greating witches.
THE FIRST WITCH: Hallo! Don’t you know that we are the greatest witches in the world?
THE SECOND WITCH: I am sure you do! But you should also know that we can fly everywhere and do everything you please.
THE FIRST WITCH:Is that really so? Somebody is coming.Maybe all the four witches will come. They are so funny when they quarrel and they always quarrel.(Hingema appears. The First and the Second Witches go away.)
Hingema: I am the greatest witch here. My name is Hingema . I am sure you’ve heard about me.
But where is my cat .Pus-pus-pus (The “ Cat’’ comes up to her.) My pussy! My dear pussy!
If you look around, you’ll see a wonderful land which belongs to me.(Three fairies Bastinda,Stella and Villina appear.)
Stella:My name is Stella and I am the greatest fairy in the world.
Hingema:This is my country.I was the first to come here.
Stella:Let ‘s not quarrel.This country is big enough for all of us.
Bastinda: You are all wrong.I am the greatest whitch in the world and I don’t want to share anything with anyone, even with my sister ,Hingema. So be careful if you arque with me, I’ll make you suffer.
Villina: Excuse me for interrupting you, but I think that it is very bad to quarrel. This is my magic book. I’ll look into it and tell you what all of you must do. The book says we must not quarrel. We have to be together if we don’t want to be defeated.
Hingema: I don’t want to be defeated.
Bastinda: Let’s not quarrel any more.
Villina: We must be friendly.
Stella: We shall live in peace, and all four of us will rule over this country. (The fairies go away and little devils appeare. They jump and dance. )
Little Devils: We have something to say. We want everybody to listen to us.
The Main Witch: The floor is given to little devils. They want to show us their power.
The First Devil: Hallo!
The Second Devil: Hallo!
The First Devil: What are you?
The Second Devil: I am the devil of bad behaviour.
The First Devil: And what do you do then?
The Second Devil: You see i don’t like quiet and polite children. I try to make them misbehave and they become maughty and rude.
The First Devil: That’s great.
The Second Devil: And what about you? What are you responsible for?
The First Devil: I am the devil of bad moods. I try to make people lonely and sad.
(The devils go away)
The Main Witch: Let's do our best to make people dissatisfied. There are no optimists among us. So let’s listen to a pessimist.
Boy: “ Pessimist” by B. J. King.
Nothing to do but work,
Nothing to eat but food,
.Nothing to wear but clothes
To keep one from going nude.
Nothing to breath but air
Quick as a flash ‘tis gone;
Nowhere to fall but off ,
Nowhere to stand but on.
Nothing to comb but hair,
Nowhere to sleep but in bed,
Nothing to weep but tears,
Nothing to bury but dead.
Nothing to sing but songs
Ah, well, alas! Alack!
Nowhere to go but out,
Nowhere tocome but back.
Nothing to see but sights,
Nothing to quench but thirst,
Nothing tohave but what we’ve got.
Thus through life we are cursed.
Nothing to strike but a gait;
Everything moves that goes.
Nothing at all but common sence.
Can ever withstand these woes.
The main witch: You are certainly right. Life is so sad. Besides, the sources of evil may do a lot of awful things. Listen to a song about how they made a nice, lovely Clementine fall into the foaming brine.
( A group of girls sing a song.)
1.In a cavern,in a canyon,
Excavating for a mine,
Dwelt a miner forty-niner,
And his daughter Clementime.
Oh,my darling, oh my darling,
Oh,my darling Clementine.
Thou art lost snd gone for ever,
Dreadful sorry Clementine.
2.Light she was and like a fairy,
And her shoes were number nine ;
Herring - boxes without topses
Sandals were for Clementine.
3.Drove she ducking to the water.
Every morning just at nine;
Struck her foot against a splinter,
Fell into the foaming brine.
The main witch: In all the fairy - tales the witch are greedly and envious. They usually kill kind and pretty girls. Listen to the tale about SNOW WHITE.
( The children perform the tale.)
The main witch:
I hope that now you believe that witches are powerful and can do a lot of harmful things. We feel pleased when Children disobey their parents, and are noughty.We are thrilled with joy when they lie and tell them that nobody has done anything wrong .Now meet “Little nobody.”
Girl: “Little nobody.”
I now a funny little man,
As quit as a mouse,
Who does the mischief that is done
In everybodi’s house!
‘Tis he who always tears our books.
Who leaves the door ajar,
He pulls the buttons from our shits
And scatters pins afar ;
He puts damp wood upon the fire,
So kettlers cannot boil;
His are the feet that bring in mud,
And all the carpets soil.
The papers always are mislaid.
Who had them last but he?
There’s no one tosses them about
But little Nobody.
The Main Witch:
We teach children to be bad.We do a lot of harmful things to the people.They can’t fight us .
(Shepoklyak, Baba Yaga ,Ghosts , Mercury, Fortune – teller appear in the hall.)
The most amusing attraction is waiting for you in the left hand corner.
You have to catch an apple in the watter with a help of a fork. I wish you good luck.
Wait a minute. You musn’t see anything. I’ll lie this beautiful scarf in such a way that you’ll see nothing. Try your luck, all of you. (The children try to get an apple with the help of a fork. Those who manage to do it, get the apple.)
Baba Yaga: Please come here and look at his donkey. I am sure that you have recognized your old friend Eeyore. He has lost his tale, but I have found it. Here it is. If you manage to fix it in its proper place you’ll be given a prize.
Ghost: Shoering chairs, to my mind, is one of the most exciting attractions. You can see two chairs some distance away. I’ll call pupils from each team one after another. Each of them is to come up to the chair with his eyes closed and try his or her best to shoe all the legs of the chair. As soon as he has done it, another pupil from his team comes up to take part in this competition. The team that is first will get the prize.
Mercury: My name is Mercury. I live in the river. I don’t like it, as it is very dirty. But there are also a lot of wonderful things in my river. Are you curious to know what you can fish out of it? Take your chance then.Here is my fishing rod. Take it cast it into the river and I’m sure that you catch something extraordinary and at the same time help me to make my river clean. Let us see what you catch.
Fortune – teller: If you want to know what awaites you in the nearest future, you are welcome to my place.I’ll tell you everything and my assistant, the wise parot, will chose a lucky card for you.
(Then the children watch video films, return to the hall.The participants of the holiday are awarded with prizes for the best costume, for the decoration of the hall.)